Publikationsverzeichnis Prof. Dr. med. Gian Kayser
Originalarbeiten – Erstautorschaften
- Kayser, G., A. Csanadi, S. Kakanou, A. Prasse, A. Kassem, E. Stickeler, B. Passlick, and A. zur Hausen, Downregulation of MTSS1 expression is an independent prognosticator in squamous cell carcinoma of the lung. British journal of cancer, 2015. 112(5): p. 866-873.
- Kayser, G., [Non-small cell lung cancer. New biomarkers for diagnostics and therapy]. Pathologe, 2015. 36 Suppl 2: p. 189-93.
- Kayser, G. and K. Kayser, Quantitative pathology in virtual microscopy: history, applications, perspectives. Acta Histochem, 2013. 115(6): p. 527-32.
- Kayser, G., A. Csanadi, C. Otto, T. Plones, N. Bittermann, J. Rawluk, B. Passlick, and M. Werner, Simultaneous multi-antibody staining in non-small cell lung cancer strengthens diagnostic accuracy especially in small tissue samples. PLoS One, 2013. 8(2): p. e56333.
- Kayser, G., L. Schulte-Uentrop, W. Sienel, M. Werner, P. Fisch, B. Passlick, A. Zur Hausen, and C. Stremmel, Stromal CD4/CD25 positive T-cells are a strong and independent prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer patients, especially with adenocarcinomas. Lung Cancer, 2012. 76(3): p. 445-51.
- Kayser, G., W. Sienel, B. Kubitz, D. Mattern, E. Stickeler, B. Passlick, M. Werner, and A. Zur Hausen, Poor outcome in primary non-small cell lung cancers is predicted by transketolase TKTL1 expression. Pathology, 2011. 43(7): p. 719-24.
- Kayser, G., A. Kassem, W. Sienel, L. Schulte-Uentrop, D. Mattern, K. Aumann, E. Stickeler, M. Werner, B. Passlick, and A. zur Hausen, Lactate-dehydrogenase 5 is overexpressed in non-small cell lung cancer and correlates with the expression of the transketolase-like protein 1. Diagn Pathol, 2010. 5: p. 22.
- Kayser, G., D. Radziszowski, P. Bzdyl, R. Sommer, and K. Kayser, Theory and implementation of an electronic, automated measurement system for images obtained from immunohistochemically stained slides. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 2006. 28(1): p. 27-38.
- Kayser, G., U. Gerlach, A. Walch, R. Nitschke, S. Haxelmans, K. Kayser, U. Hopt, M. Werner, and S. Lassmann, Numerical and structural centrosome aberrations are an early and stable event in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence of colorectal carcinomas. Virchows Arch, 2005. 447(1): p. 61-5.
- Kayser, G., J.D. Baumhakel, T. Szoke, I. Trojan, U. Riede, M. Werner, and K. Kayser, Vascular diffusion density and survival of patients with primary lung carcinomas. Virchows Arch, 2003. 442(5): p. 462-7.
- Kayser, G., I. Gunzenhauser, H.D. Becker, F. Herth, and K. Kayser, [Proliferation rate of small cell lung carcinoma. A cytomorphometric parameter with prognostic significance]. Pathologe, 2001. 22(5): p. 326-32.
Originalarbeiten – Letztautorschaften
- Ruhle, A., A.L. Grosu, N. Wiedenmann, R. Stoian, E. Haehl, C. Zamboglou, D. Baltas, M. Werner, G. Kayser, and N.H. Nicolay, Immunohistochemistry-based hypoxia-immune prognostic classifier for head-and-neck cancer patients undergoing chemoradiation - Post-hoc analysis from a prospective imaging trial. Radiother Oncol, 2021. 159: p. 75-81.
- Ruhle, A., A.L. Grosu, N. Wiedenmann, M. Mix, R. Stoian, G. Niedermann, D. Baltas, M. Werner, W.A. Weber, G. Kayser, and N.H. Nicolay, Hypoxia dynamics on FMISO-PET in combination with PD-1/PD-L1 expression has an impact on the clinical outcome of patients with Head-and-neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma undergoing Chemoradiation. Theranostics, 2020. 10(20): p. 9395-9406.
- Nicolay, N.H., N. Wiedenmann, M. Mix, W.A. Weber, M. Werner, A.L. Grosu, and G. Kayser, Correlative analyses between tissue-based hypoxia biomarkers and hypoxia PET imaging in head and neck cancer patients during radiochemotherapy-results from a prospective trial. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 2020. 47(5): p. 1046-1055.
- Gkika, E., M. Benndorf, B. Oerther, F. Mohammad, S. Beitinger, S. Adebahr, M. Carles, T. Schimek-Jasch, C. Zamboglou, B.C. Frye, F. Bamberg, C.F. Waller, M. Werner, A.L. Grosu, U. Nestle, and G. Kayser, Immunohistochemistry and Radiomic Features for Survival Prediction in Small Cell Lung Cancer. Front Oncol, 2020. 10: p. 1161.
- Schmid, S., A. Csanadi, N. Kozhuharov, M. Tchudjin, C. Kayser, J. Rawluk, B. Passlick, M. Werner, A. Prasse, and G. Kayser, CC-Chemokine Ligand 18 Is an Independent Prognostic Marker in Lymph Node-positive Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. Anticancer Res, 2018. 38(7): p. 3913-3918
- Moneke, I., C. Zeisel, M. Elze, B. Haager, B. Passlick, and G. Kayser, Mucinous cystadenocarcinoma arising from mucinous cystadenoma of the lung: case report and review of the literature. J Thorac Dis, 2018. 10(4): p. E243-E249.
- Csanadi, A., A. Oser, K. Aumann, V. Gumpp, J. Rawluk, U. Nestle, C. Kayser, S. Wiesemann, M. Werner, and G. Kayser, Overexpression of SLC1a5 in lymph node metastases outperforms assessment in the primary as a negative prognosticator in non-small cell lung cancer. Pathology, 2018. 50(3): p. 269-275
- Bittner, M.I., N. Wiedenmann, S. Bucher, M. Hentschel, M. Mix, G. Rucker, W.A. Weber, P.T. Meyer, M. Werner, A.L. Grosu, and G. Kayser, Analysis of relation between hypoxia PET imaging and tissue-based biomarkers during head and neck radiochemotherapy. Acta Oncol, 2016. 55(11): p. 1299-1304
- Taschner, C.A., V.A. Frey, C. Offergeld, H. Urbach, C.J. Maurer, and G. Kayser, Freiburg neuropathology case conference: a patient with chronic nasal obstruction. Clin Neuroradiol, 2015. 25(1): p. 99-103
- Csanadi, A., C. Kayser, M. Donauer, V. Gumpp, K. Aumann, J. Rawluk, A. Prasse, A. zur Hausen, S. Wiesemann, M. Werner, and G. Kayser, Prognostic Value of Malic Enzyme and ATP-Citrate Lyase in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer of the Young and the Elderly. PLoS One, 2015. 10(5): p. e0126357.
- Kayser, K., S. Borkenfeld, and G. Kayser, How to introduce virtual microscopy (VM) in routine diagnostic pathology: constraints, ideas, and solutions. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst), 2012. 35(1): p. 3-10
- Kayser, K., S. Borkenfeld, T. Goldmann, and G. Kayser, Virtual slides in peer reviewed, open access medical publication. Diagn Pathol, 2011. 6: p. 124.
- Kayser, K., S. Borkenfeld, T. Goldmann, and G. Kayser, To be at the right place at the right time. Diagn Pathol, 2011. 6: p. 2-9.
- Kayser, K., S. Borkenfeld, A. Djenouni, and G. Kayser, History and structures of telecommunication in pathology, focusing on open access platforms. Diagn Pathol, 2011. 6: p. 110
- Kayser, K., J. Gortler, M. Bogovac, A. Bogovac, T. Goldmann, E. Vollmer, and G. Kayser, AI (artificial intelligence) in histopathology--from image analysis to automated diagnosis. Folia Histochem Cytobiol, 2009. 47(3): p. 355-61
- Kayser, K., S.A. Hoshang, K. Metze, T. Goldmann, E. Vollmer, D. Radziszowski, Z. Kosjerina, M. Mireskandari, and G. Kayser, Texture- and object-related automated information analysis in histological still images of various organs. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 2008. 30(6): p. 323-35.
- Kayser, K., J. Gortler, T. Goldmann, E. Vollmer, P. Hufnagl, and G. Kayser, Image standards in tissue-based diagnosis (diagnostic surgical pathology). Diagn Pathol, 2008. 3: p. 17
- Kayser, K., J. Gortler, F. Giesel, and G. Kayser, How to implement grid technology in tissue-based diagnosis: diagnostic surgical pathology. Expert Opin Med Diagn, 2008. 2(3): p. 323-37
- Kayser, K., D. Radziszowski, P. Bzdyl, R. Sommer, and G. Kayser, Digitized pathology: theory and experiences in automated tissue-based virtual diagnosis. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 2006. 47(1): p. 21-8.
- Kayser, K., D. Radziszowski, P. Bzdyl, R. Sommer, and G. Kayser, Towards an automated virtual slide screening: theoretical considerations and practical experiences of automated tissue-based virtual diagnosis to be implemented in the Internet. Diagn Pathol, 2006. 1: p. 10.
- Kayser, K., D. Donnwald, S. Zink, and G. Kayser, Small pulmonary lesions--a challenge for thoracic surgery? ScientificWorldJournal, 2001. 1: p. 906-13.
- Kayser, K., M. Beyer, S. Blum, and G. Kayser, Recent developments and present status of telepathology. Anal Cell Pathol, 2000. 21(3-4): p. 101-6.
- Kayser, K., M. Beyer, S. Blum, and G. Kayser, Telecommunication--a new tool for quality assurance and control in diagnostic pathology. Folia Neuropathol, 2000. 38(2): p. 79-83.
- Kayser, K. and G. Kayser, Basic aspects of and recent developments in telepathology in Europe, with specific emphasis on quality assurance. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 1999. 21(4): p. 319-28.
Originalarbeiten – Koautorschaften
- Kayser, K., S. Andre, G. Bohm, S. Donaldo-Jacinto, P. Fritz, H. Kaltner, G. Kayser, W.P. Kunze, A. Nehrlich, F.Y. Zeng, and H.J. Gabius, Developmental regulation of presence of binding sites for neoglycoproteins and endogenous lectins in various embryonic stages of human lung, liver and heart. Roux Arch Dev Biol, 1995. 204(5): p. 344-349.
- Kayser, K., J. Bubenzer, G. Kayser, S. Eichhorn, T.V. Zemlyanukhina, N.V. Bovin, S. Andre, J. Koopmann, and H.J. Gabius, Expression of lectin, interleukin-2 and histopathologic blood group binding sites in prostate cancer and its correlation with integrated optical density and syntactic structure analysis. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 1995. 17(2): p. 135-42.
- Siebert, H.C., R. Adar, R. Arango, M. Burchert, H. Kaltner, G. Kayser, E. Tajkhorshid, C.W. von der Lieth, R. Kaptein, N. Sharon, J.F. Vliegenthart, and H.J. Gabius, Involvement of laser photo-CIDNP (chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization)-reactive amino acid side chains in ligand binding by galactoside-specific lectins in solution. Eur J Biochem, 1997. 249(1): p. 27-38.
- Kayser, K., U. Biechele, G. Kayser, H. Dienemann, S. Andre, N.V. Bovin, and H.J. Gabius, Pulmonary metastases of breast carcinomas: ligandohistochemical, nuclear, and structural analysis of primary and metastatic tumors with emphasis on period of occurrence of metastases and survival. J Surg Oncol, 1998. 69(3): p. 137-46.
- Kayser, K., G. Kayser, S. Eichhorn, U. Biechele, M. Altiner, H. Kaltner, F.Y. Zeng, E.V. Vlasova, N.V. Bovin, and H.J. Gabius, Association of prognosis in surgically treated lung cancer patients with cytometric, histometric and ligand histochemical properties: with an emphasis on structural entropy. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 1998. 20(4): p. 313-20.
- Kayser, K., S. Ziehms, G. Kayser, S. Andre, N.V. Bovin, X. Dong, H. Kaltner, and H.J. Gabius, Glycohistochemical properties of malignancies of lung and pleura. Int J Oncol, 1998. 12(5): p. 1189-94.
- von der Lieth, C., H. Siebert, T. Kozar, M. Burchert, M. Frank, M. Gilleron, H. Kaltner, G. Kayser, E. Tajkhorshid, N.V. Bovin, J.F. Vliegenthart, and H. Gabius, Lectin ligands: new insights into their conformations and their dynamic behavior and the discovery of conformer selection by lectins. Acta Anat (Basel), 1998. 161(1-4): p. 91-109.
- Kayser, K., G. Kayser, S. Andre, M. Altiner, and H. Gabius, Evaluation of histochemical anthracyclin binding as potential prognostic parameter in small cell lung cancer. Oncol Rep, 1999. 6(5): p. 1153-7
- Kayser, K., G. Kayser, D. Radziszowski, and A. Oehmann, From telepathology to virtual pathology institution: the new world of digital pathology. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 1999. 45: p. 3-9.
- Kayser, K., G. Kayser, H.D. Becker, and F. Herth, Telediagnosis of transbronchial fine needle aspirations--a feasibility study. Anal Cell Pathol, 2000. 21(3-4): p. 207-12.
- Zink, S., G. Kayser, H.J. Gabius, and K. Kayser, Survival, disease-free interval, and associated tumor features in patients with colon/rectal carcinomas and their resected intra-pulmonary metastases. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2001. 19(6): p. 908-13.
- Gabius, H.J., S. Andre, I. Gunsenhauser, H. Kaltner, G. Kayser, J. Kopitz, H. Lahm, D. Harms, J. Szymas, and K. Kayser, Association of galectin-1- but not galectin-3-dependent parameters with proliferation activity in human neuroblastomas and small cell lung carcinomas. Anticancer Res, 2002. 22(1A): p. 405-10.
- Kayser, K., N. Richter, P. Hufnagl, G. Kayser, J. Kos, and B. Werle, Expression, proliferation activity and clinical significance of cathepsin B and cathepsin L in operated lung cancer. Anticancer Res, 2003. 23(3C): p. 2767-72.
- Kayser, K., G. Kayser, D. Radziszowski, and A. Oehmann, New developments in digital pathology: from telepathology to virtual pathology laboratory. Stud Health Technol Inform, 2004. 105: p. 61-9.
- Mireskandari, M., G. Kayser, P. Hufnagl, T. Schrader, and K. Kayser, Teleconsultation in diagnostic pathology: experience from Iran and Germany with the use of two European telepathology servers. J Telemed Telecare, 2004. 10(2): p. 99-103.
- Kayser, K., Z. Kosjerina, T. Goldmann, G. Kayser, B. Kazmierczak, and E. Vollmer, Lung carcinoma-associated atypical adenomatoid hyperplasia, squamous cell dysplasia, and chromosome alterations in non-neoplastic bronchial mucosa. Lung Cancer, 2005. 47(2): p. 205-14.
- Kayser, K., Z. Kosjerina, T. Goldmann, G. Kayser, B. Kazmierczak, and E. Vollmer, Phenotype and genotype associations of lung carcinoma with atypical adenomatoid hyperplasia, squamous cell dysplasia, and chromosome alterations in non-neoplastic bronchial mucosa. Rom J Morphol Embryol, 2005. 46(1): p. 5-10.
- Gerlach, U., G. Kayser, A. Walch, U. Hopt, J. Schulte-Monting, M. Werner, and S. Lassmann, Centrosome-, chromosomal-passenger- and cell-cycle-associated mRNAs are differentially regulated in the development of sporadic colorectal cancer. J Pathol, 2006. 208(4): p. 462-72.
- Gortler, J., M. Berghoff, G. Kayser, and K. Kayser, Grid technology in tissue-based diagnosis: fundamentals and potential developments. Diagn Pathol, 2006. 1: p. 23.
- Jungraithmayr, W., S. Eggeling, C. Ludwig, G. Kayser, and B. Passlick, Sclerosing hemangioma of the lung: a benign tumour with potential for malignancy? Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2006. 12(5): p. 352-4.
- Jungraithmayr, W., G. Kayser, B. Passlick, and S. Eggeling, Neuroendocrine differentiation and neuroendocrine morphology as two different patterns in large-cell bronchial carcinomas: outcome after complete resection. World J Surg Oncol, 2006. 4: p. 61.
- Mireskandari, M., A.F. Shafaii, G. Kayser, and K. Kayser, Lack of CD117 and rare bcl-2 expression in stomach cancer by immunohistochemistry. An immunohistochemical study with review of the literature. Diagn Pathol, 2006. 1: p. 7.
- Foldi, M., E. Stickeler, L. Bau, O. Kretz, D. Watermann, G. Gitsch, G. Kayser, A. Zur Hausen, and J.F. Coy, Transketolase protein TKTL1 overexpression: A potential biomarker and therapeutic target in breast cancer. Oncol Rep, 2007. 17(4): p. 841-5.
- Kayser, K., G. Kayser, and K. Metze, The concept of structural entropy in tissue-based diagnosis. Anal Quant Cytol Histol, 2007. 29(5): p. 296-308.
- Lagodny, J., E. Juttner, G. Kayser, C.M. Niemeyer, and J. Rossler, Lymphangiogenesis and its regulation in human neuroblastoma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2007. 352(2): p. 571-7.
- Pfeiffer, J., G. Kayser, K. Technau-Ihling, C.C. Boedeker, and G.J. Ridder, Ultrasound-guided core-needle biopsy in the diagnosis of head and neck masses: indications, technique, and results. Head Neck, 2007. 29(11): p. 1033-40.
- Ridder, G.J., G. Kayser, C.B. Teszler, and J. Pfeiffer, Solitary fibrous tumors in the head and neck: new insights and implications for diagnosis and treatment. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 2007. 116(4): p. 265-70.
- Szoke, T., K. Kayser, I. Trojan, G. Kayser, J. Furak, L. Tiszlavicz, J.D. Baumhakel, and H.J. Gabius, The role of microvascularization and growth/adhesion-regulatory lectins in the prognosis of non-small cell lung cancer in stage II. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2007. 31(5): p. 783-7.
- Ridder, G.J., L. Kayser, K. Technau-Ihling, G. Kayser, and J. Pfeiffer, [Value and utility of minimal-invasive automatic cutting-needle biopsy as a diagnostic technique in the head and neck]. Laryngorhinootologie, 2008. 87(9): p. 634-40.
- Dango, S., B. Passlick, U. Thiemann, G. Kayser, and C. Stremmel, The role of a pseudocapsula in thymic epithelial tumors: outcome and correlation with established prognostic parameters. Results of a 20-year single centre retrospective analysis. J Cardiothorac Surg, 2009. 4: p. 33.
- Jaenigen, B., G. Kayser, B. Steinke, and O. Thomusch, Five-Year Long-Term Followup of a Primary Lymph node Gastrinoma: Is a Pancreaticoduodenectomy Justified? Case Rep Med, 2009. 2009: p. 762791
- Kassem, A., K. Technau, A.K. Kurz, D. Pantulu, M. Loning, G. Kayser, E. Stickeler, W. Weyers, C. Diaz, M. Werner, D. Nashan, and A. Zur Hausen, Merkel cell polyomavirus sequences are frequently detected in nonmelanoma skin cancer of immunosuppressed patients. Int J Cancer, 2009. 125(2): p. 356-61
- Kayser, K., H. Schultz, T. Goldmann, J. Gortler, G. Kayser, and E. Vollmer, Theory of sampling and its application in tissue based diagnosis. Diagn Pathol, 2009. 4: p. 6.
- Pfeiffer, J., G. Kayser, and G.J. Ridder, Diagnostic effectiveness of sonography-assisted cutting needle biopsy in uncommon cervicofacial lesions. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 2009. 107(2): p. 173-9.
- Pfeiffer, J., G. Kayser, and G.J. Ridder, Sonography-assisted cutting needle biopsy in the head and neck for the diagnosis of lymphoma: can it replace lymph node extirpation? Laryngoscope, 2009. 119(4): p. 689-95.
- Prasse, A., M. Stahl, G. Schulz, G. Kayser, L. Wang, K. Ask, J. Yalcintepe, A. Kirschbaum, E. Bargagli, G. Zissel, M. Kolb, J. Muller-Quernheim, J.M. Weiss, and A.C. Renkl, Essential role of osteopontin in smoking-related interstitial lung diseases. Am J Pathol, 2009. 174(5): p. 1683-91.
- Dashkevich, A., C. Heilmann, G. Kayser, M. Germann, F. Beyersdorf, B. Passlick, and H.J. Geissler, Lymph angiogenesis after lung transplantation and relation to acute organ rejection in humans. Ann Thorac Surg, 2010. 90(2): p. 406-11.
- Jungraithmayr, W., G. Kayser, J. Haberstroh, W. Weder, and S. Korom, An experimental approach toward chronic pulmonary allograft rejection: Orthotopic lung versus heterotopic tracheal segment transplantation in rats. Transplant Proc, 2010. 42(7): p. 2767-70
- Neumann, J., F. Feuerhake, G. Kayser, T. Wiech, K. Aumann, B. Passlick, P. Fisch, M. Werner, and A. Zur Hausen, Gene expression profiles of lung adenocarcinoma linked to histopathological grading and survival but not to EGF-R status: a microarray study. BMC Cancer, 2010. 10: p. 77.
- Wellner, U.F., G. Kayser, H. Lapshyn, O. Sick, F. Makowiec, J. Hoppner, U.T. Hopt, and T. Keck, A simple scoring system based on clinical factors related to pancreatic texture predicts postoperative pancreatic fistula preoperatively. HPB (Oxford), 2010. 12(10): p. 696-702.
- Boedeker, C.C., W. Maier, M. Boedeker, G.J. Ridder, T. Klenzner, G. Kayser, and C. Offergeld, [Chondrosarcoma of the larynx. Experience gained in Freiburg since 1999]. HNO, 2011. 59(4): p. 352-9.
- Aumann, K., D. Amann, V. Gumpp, D. Hauschke, G. Kayser, A.M. May, U. Wetterauer, and M. Werner, Template-based synoptic reports improve the quality of pathology reports of prostatectomy specimens. Histopathology, 2012. 60(4): p. 634-44.
- Jander, N., R.P. Kienzle, G. Kayser, F.J. Neumann, C. Gohlke-Baerwolf, and J. Minners, Usefulness of phenprocoumon for the treatment of obstructing thrombus in bioprostheses in the aortic valve position. Am J Cardiol, 2012. 109(2): p. 257-62.
- Kirschbaum, A., E. Palade, G. Kayser, and B. Passlick, Local effects of high-powered neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet laser systems on the pulmonary parenchyma: an experimental study on the isolated perfused pig lung lobe. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg, 2012. 15(2): p. 191-3.
- Kollert, F., M. Binder, C. Probst, M. Uhl, A. Zirlik, G. Kayser, R.E. Voll, H.H. Peter, G. Zissel, A. Prasse, and K. Warnatz, CCL18 -- potential biomarker of fibroinflammatory activity in chronic periaortitis. J Rheumatol, 2012. 39(7): p. 1407-12.
- Ploenes, T., T. Osei-Agyemang, A. Krohn, G. Kayser, M. Burger, and B. Passlick, Surgical treatment of early stage small cell lung cancer. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann, 2012. 20(6): p. 694-8.
- Warth, A., J. Cortis, L. Fink, A. Fisseler-Eckhoff, H. Geddert, T. Hager, K. Junker, G. Kayser, J. Kitz, F. Langer, A. Morresi-Hauf, G. Ott, I. Petersen, A. Stenzinger, A. Soltermann, S. Ting, V. Tischler, E. Vollmer, P.A. Schnabel, W. Weichert, and P. Pulmonary Pathology Working Group of the German Society of, Training increases concordance in classifying pulmonary adenocarcinomas according to the novel IASLC/ATS/ERS classification. Virchows Arch, 2012. 461(2): p. 185-93.
- Aumann, K., G. Kayser, D. Amann, P. Bronsert, D. Hauschke, E. Palade, B. Passlick, and M. Werner, The format type has impact on the quality of pathology reports of oncological lung resection specimens. Lung Cancer, 2013. 81(3): p. 382-387.
- Plones, T., T. Osei-Agyemang, M. Elze, E. Palade, D. Wagnetz, T. Loop, G. Kayser, and B. Passlick, Morbidity and mortality in patients with usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) pattern undergoing surgery for lung biopsy. Respir Med, 2013. 107(4): p. 629-32
- Bronsert, P., K. Enderle-Ammour, M. Bader, S. Timme, M. Kuehs, A. Csanadi, G. Kayser, I. Kohler, D. Bausch, J. Hoeppner, U.T. Hopt, T. Keck, E. Stickeler, B. Passlick, O. Schilling, C.P. Reiss, Y. Vashist, T. Brabletz, J. Berger, J. Lotz, J. Olesch, M. Werner, and U.F. Wellner, Cancer cell invasion and EMT marker expression: a three-dimensional study of the human cancer-host interface. J Pathol, 2014. 234(3): p. 410-22.
- Capaldi, I.B., A.M. May, A. Schmitt-Graeff, M. Follo, K. Aumann, G. Kayser, J.C. Perazzo, M. Werner, and P. Fisch, Detection of MYD88 L265P mutations in formalin-fixed and decalcified BM biopsies from patients with lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma. Exp Mol Pathol, 2014. 97(1): p. 57-65.
- Gundisch, S., J. Slotta-Huspenina, P. Verderio, C.M. Ciniselli, S. Pizzamiglio, C. Schott, E. Drecoll, C. Viertler, K. Zatloukal, M. Kap, P. Riegman, I. Esposito, K. Specht, G. Babaryka, M. Asslaber, K. Bodo, M. den Bakker, J. den Hollander, F. Fend, J. Neumann, S. Reu, A. Perren, R. Langer, A. Lugli, I. Becker, T. Richter, G. Kayser, A.M. May, F. Carneiro, J.M. Lopes, L. Sobin, H. Hofler, and K.F. Becker, Evaluation of colon cancer histomorphology: a comparison between formalin and PAXgene tissue fixation by an international ring trial. Virchows Arch, 2014. 465(5): p. 509-19.
- Hidalgo, J.V., P. Bronsert, M. Orlowska-Volk, L.B. Diaz, E. Stickeler, M. Werner, A. Schmitt-Graeff, G. Kayser, M. Malkovsky, and P. Fisch, Histological Analysis of gammadelta T Lymphocytes Infiltrating Human Triple-Negative Breast Carcinomas. Front Immunol, 2014. 5: p. 632
- Plones, T., M. Elze, G. Kayser, D. Pfeifer, M. Burger, and G. Zissel, mRNA and miRNA analyses in cytologically positive endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration: implications for molecular staging in lung cancer patients. Cancer Cytopathol, 2014. 122(4): p. 292-8.
- Ermolayev, V., P. Mohajerani, A. Ale, A. Sarantopoulos, M. Aichler, G. Kayser, A. Walch, and V. Ntziachristos, Early recognition of lung cancer by integrin targeted imaging in K-ras mouse model. Int J Cancer, 2015. 137(5): p. 1107-18.
- Schmid, S., A. Csanadi, J.T. Kaifi, M. Kubler, B. Haager, G. Kayser, B. Passlick, and S. Wiesemann, Prognostic factors in solitary fibrous tumors of the pleura. J Surg Res, 2015. 195(2): p. 580-7
- Aumann, K., K. Niermann, J. Asberger, U. Wellner, P. Bronsert, T. Erbes, D. Hauschke, E. Stickeler, G. Gitsch, G. Kayser, and M. Werner, Structured reporting ensures complete content and quick detection of essential data in pathology reports of oncological breast resection specimens. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2016. 156(3): p. 495-500.
- Kroenig, M., K. Schaal, M. Benndorf, M. Soschynski, P. Lenz, T. Krauss, V. Drendel, G. Kayser, P. Kurz, M. Werner, U. Wetterauer, W. Schultze-Seemann, M. Langer, and C.A. Jilg, Diagnostic Accuracy of Robot-Guided, Software Based Transperineal MRI/TRUS Fusion Biopsy of the Prostate in a High Risk Population of Previously Biopsy Negative Men. Biomed Res Int, 2016. 2016: p. 2384894.
- Taromi, S., G. Kayser, J. Catusse, D. von Elverfeldt, W. Reichardt, F. Braun, W.A. Weber, R. Zeiser, and M. Burger, CXCR4 antagonists suppress small cell lung cancer progression. Oncotarget, 2016. 7(51): p. 85185-85195
- Taromi, S., G. Kayser, D. von Elverfeldt, W. Reichardt, F. Braun, W.A. Weber, R. Zeiser, and M. Burger, An orthotopic mouse model of small cell lung cancer reflects the clinical course in patients. Clin Exp Metastasis, 2016. 33(7): p. 651-60.
- Klaeger, S., S. Heinzlmeir, M. Wilhelm, H. Polzer, B. Vick, P.A. Koenig, M. Reinecke, B. Ruprecht, S. Petzoldt, C. Meng, J. Zecha, K. Reiter, H. Qiao, D. Helm, H. Koch, M. Schoof, G. Canevari, E. Casale, S.R. Depaolini, A. Feuchtinger, Z. Wu, T. Schmidt, L. Rueckert, W. Becker, J. Huenges, A.K. Garz, B.O. Gohlke, D.P. Zolg, G. Kayser, T. Vooder, R. Preissner, H. Hahne, N. Tonisson, K. Kramer, K. Gotze, F. Bassermann, J. Schlegl, H.C. Ehrlich, S. Aiche, A. Walch, P.A. Greif, S. Schneider, E.R. Felder, J. Ruland, G. Medard, I. Jeremias, K. Spiekermann, and B. Kuster, The target landscape of clinical kinase drugs. Science, 2017. 358(6367).
- Mayer, S., G. Kayser, G. Rucker, D. Bogner, M. Hirschfeld, C. Hug, E. Stickeler, G. Gitsch, and T. Erbes, Absence of epithelial atypia in B3-lesions of the breast is associated with decreased risk for malignancy. Breast, 2017. 31: p. 144-149.
- Gruber, M., S. Lang, S. Kuchlin, G. Kayser, C. Auw-Haedrich, T. Reinhard, and P. Maier, Epithelial Invasion Following Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty and Associated With Subsequent Central Graft Detachment. Jama Ophthalmology, 2019. 137(12): p. 1461-1463
- Heidt, T., S. Reiss, A.J. Krafft, A.C. Ozen, T. Lottner, C. Hehrlein, R. Galmbacher, G. Kayser, I. Hilgendorf, P. Stachon, D. Wolf, A. Zirlik, K. During, M. Zehender, S. Meckel, D. von Elverfeldt, C. Bode, M. Bock, and C. von zur Muhlen, Real-time magnetic resonance imaging - guided coronary intervention in a porcine model. Scientific Reports, 2019. 9
- Knoop, R.F., A. Schmidt, G. Kayser, R. Thimme, and A. Fischer, Endoscopic submucosal dissection of an esophageal granular cell tumor. VideoGIE, 2019. 4(2): p. 58-61
- Prasse, A., H. Binder, J.C. Schupp, G. Kayser, E. Bargagli, B. Jaeger, M. Hess, S. Rittinghausen, L. Vuga, H. Lynn, S. Violette, B. Jung, K. Quast, B. Vanaudenaerde, Y. Xu, J.M. Hohlfeld, N. Krug, J.D. Herazo-Maya, P. Rottoli, W.A. Wuyts, and N. Kaminski, BAL Cell Gene Expression Is Indicative of Outcome and Airway Basal Cell Involvement in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2019. 199(5): p. 622-630
- Schaumanna, N., M. Raap, L. Hinze, L. Rieger, C.M. Schurch, W. Antonopoulos, S. Avril, T. Krech, M. Dammrich, G. Kayser, F. Puls, F. Langer, M. Tinguely, H. Kreipe, and M. Christgen, Lobular neoplasia and invasive lobular breast cancer: Inter-observer agreement for histological grading and subclassification. Pathology Research and Practice, 2019. 215(11).
- Hoefflin, R., A. Lazarou, M.E. Hess, M. Reiser, J. Wehrle, P. Metzger, A.V. Frey, H. Becker, K. Aumann, K. Berner, M. Boeker, N. Buettner, C. Dierks, J. Duque-Afonso, M. Eisenblaetter, T. Erbes, R. Fritsch, I.X. Ge, A.L. Geissler, M. Grabbert, S. Heeg, D.H. Heiland, S. Hettmer, G. Kayser, A. Keller, A. Kleiber, A. Kutilina, L. Mehmed, F. Meiss, P. Poxleitner, J. Rawluk, J. Ruf, H. Schafer, F. Scherer, K. Shoumariyeh, A. Tzschach, C. Peters, T. Brummer, M. Werner, J. Duyster, S. Lassmann, C. Miething, M. Boerries, A.L. Illert, and N. von Bubnoff, Transitioning the Molecular Tumor Board from Proof of Concept to Clinical Routine: A German Single-Center Analysis. Cancers (Basel), 2021. 13(5).
- Schoeb DS, Wollensak C, Kretschmer S, González-Cerdas G, Ataman C, Kayser G, Dressler FF, Gratzke C, Zappe H, Miernik A. Ex-vivo evaluation of miniaturized probes for endoscopic optical coherence tomography in urothelial cancer diagnostics. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2022 Apr 8;77:103597
- Jaeger B, Schupp JC, Plappert L, Terwolbeck O, Artysh N, Kayser G, Engelhard P, Adams TS, Zweigerdt R, Kempf H, Lienenklaus S, Garrels W, Nazarenko I, Jonigk D, Wygrecka M, Klatt D, Schambach A, Kaminski N, and A Prasse, Airway Basal Cells show a dedifferentiated KRT17highPhenotype and promote Fibrosis in IPF. Nature Comm 2022
Fallberichte und Kurzreports– Erstautorschaften
- Haroske, G. and G. Kayser, [Minutes of the meeting of the German Society of Pathology's Working Group on Information Technology: Freiburg, 04.06.2009]. Pathologe, 2009. 30 Suppl 2: p. 230-1
- Kayser, G., [Annual report of the Working Group on Informatics 2010/2011]. Pathologe, 2011. 32 Suppl 2: p. 343.
- Kayser, G. and G. Haroske, [Annual report of the working group on informatics in pathology]. Pathologe, 2012. 33 Suppl 2: p. 340-1.
- Haroske, G. and G. Kayser, [Annual report of the Working Group on Informatics in Pathology 2013]. Pathologe, 2013. 34 Suppl 2: p. 293-4.
- Kayser, G. and G. Haroske, [Annual report of the working group on informatics of the German Society of Pathology]. Pathologe, 2015. 36 Suppl 2: p. 225-6.
- Kayser, G. and G. Haroske, [Annual report of the working group on informatics, innovative imaging, and biobanking of the German society for pathology]. Pathologe, 2016. 37(Suppl 2): p. 238-239
- Kayser, G. and G. Haroske, [Erratum to: Annual report of the working group on informatics, innovative imaging, and biobanking of the German society for pathology]. Pathologe, 2017. 38(1): p. 44.
- Kayser, G. and G. Haroske, [Annual report 2017/18 of the working group on informatics, digital pathology and biobanks]. Pathologe, 2018. 39(Suppl 2): p. 330.
- Kayser, G., Annual report 2018/2019 of the working group on informatics, digital pathology and biobanks. Pathologe, 2019. 40: p. S385-S385.
- Kayser, G., [2019/20 Annual Report of the Informatics, Digital Pathology, and Biobanking Working Group]. Pathologe, 2020. 41(Suppl 2): p. 176.
Fallberichte – Letztautorschaften
- Haroske, G. and G. Kayser, [Minutes of the meeting of the German Society of Pathology's Working Group on Information Technology: Freiburg, 04.06.2009]. Pathologe, 2009. 30 Suppl 2: p. 230-1
- Otto, C., D. Huzly, L. Kemna, A. Huttel, C. Benk, S. Rieg, T. Ploenes, M. Werner, and G. Kayser, Acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia associated with influenza A/H1N1 pneumonia after lung transplantation. BMC Pulm Med, 2013. 13: p. 30.
- Haroske, G. and G. Kayser, [Annual report of the Working Group on Informatics in Pathology 2013]. Pathologe, 2013. 34 Suppl 2: p. 293-4.
- Haroske, G. and G. Kayser, [Report of the working group on information science in pathology 2014]. Pathologe, 2014. 35 Suppl 2: p. 291-2.
Fallberichte – Koautorschaften
- Boedeker, C.C., G. Kayser, G.J. Ridder, W. Maier, and J. Schipper, Giant-cell reparative granuloma of the temporal bone: a case report and review of the literature. Ear Nose Throat J, 2003. 82(12): p. 926-9, 933-4, 936-7.
- Boedeker, C.C., G.J. Ridder, G. Kayser, J. Schipper, and W. Maier, Solitary neurofibroma of the maxillary sinus and pterygopalatine fossa. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2005. 133(3): p. 458-9.
- Klenzner, T., I. Arapakis, G. Kayser, and C.C. Boedeker, Eccrine porocarcinoma of the ear mimicking basaloid squamous cell carcinoma. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2006. 135(1): p. 158-60.
- Pfeiffer, J., C.C. Boedeker, G.J. Ridder, W. Maier, and G. Kayser, Radiation-induced leiomyosarcoma of the oropharynx. Diagn Pathol, 2006. 1: p. 22
- Kayser, C., G. Kayser, P. Baier, U.T. Hopt, and S. Eggstein, Surgery for cystic lymphangioma in Gorlin-Goltz syndrome. Langenbecks Arch Surg, 2007. 392(2): p. 203-7.
- Schikschneit, M., W. Maier, G. Kayser, A. Berlis, and C.C. Boedeker, Amputation neuroma of the middle ear mimicking glomus tympanicum tumor. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2007. 137(5): p. 843-4.
- Taborosi, B., I. Todt-Pingel, G. Kayser, and S. Dittrich, A rare case of aortic coarctation and ventricular septal defect combined with alveolar capillary dysplasia. Pediatr Cardiol, 2007. 28(4): p. 319-23.
- Pfeiffer, J., G. Kayser, C.C. Boedeker, and G.J. Ridder, Posttraumatic reactive fibrous bone neoformation of the anterior skull base mimicking osteosarcoma. Skull Base, 2008. 18(5): p. 345-51.
- Hasskarl, J., P. Schroettner, A. von den Berg, A. Rueckert, A. Frydrychowicz, G. Kayser, and C.F. Waller, Severe Organizing Pneumonia after Two Cycles of Docetaxel as Fourth-Line Chemotherapy for Advanced Non-Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung. Case Rep Oncol, 2009. 2(1): p. 12-19.
- Schild, C., G. Kayser, A. Aschendorff, and C.C. Boedeker, Pedunculated capillary hemangioma of the external ear. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2009. 140(5): p. 764-5.
- Wobser, R., J. Wilpert, G. Kayser, G. Walz, and M. Stubanus, [Disseminated histoplasmosis with involvement of mediastinum and skin in an immunocompetent patient]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 2009. 134(12): p. 589-93.
- Boedeker, M., G. Kayser, G.J. Ridder, and C. Boedeker, [Unusual tumor of the external ear]. Laryngorhinootologie, 2010. 89(11): p. 662-3.
- Boedeker, M., W. Maier, G. Kayser, and C.C. Boedeker, [Exophytic tumor of the parotid gland]. HNO, 2010. 58(12): p. 1201-3.
- Wuppenhorst, N., M.K. Lee, E. Rappold, G. Kayser, J. Beckervordersandforth, K. de With, and A. Serr, Rhino-orbitocerebral zygomycosis caused by Conidiobolus incongruus in an immunocompromised patient in Germany. J Clin Microbiol, 2010. 48(11): p. 4322-5.
- Boedeker, M., G. Kayser, C. Offergeld, A. Aschendorff, and C.C. Boedeker, [Large cystic tumor of the right neck]. HNO, 2012. 60(3): p. 234-7.
- Milanovic, D., B. Jeremic, G. Kayser, H.C. Rischke, J. Pfeiffer, and A. Henke, Relapsing high grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Long-lasting complete response following reirradiation and EGFR blockade. Strahlenther Onkol, 2012. 188(6): p. 518-22.
- Yagi, Y., M.G. Rojo, K. Kayser, G. Kayser, A. Laurinavicius, V. Della Mea, B. Levy, J. Klossa, G. Tearney, J. Szymas, Y. Tsuchihashi, and B. Tetu, The First Congress of the International Academy of Digital Pathology: digital pathology comes of age. Anal Cell Pathol (Amst), 2012. 35(1): p. 1-2.
- Breunig, C., S. Kinzer, C.C. Boedeker, G. Kayser, and C. Offergeld, [Swelling at the level of the submandibular gland]. HNO, 2013. 61(1): p. 55-7.
- Jakob, T.F., R. Birkenhager, G. Kayser, and C.C. Boedeker, [Synchronous schwannoma of the vagus nerve and the cervical sympathetic chain]. HNO, 2013. 61(7): p. 657-9.
- Suero Molina, E.J., T. Niederstadt, V. Ruland, G. Kayser, W. Stummer, C. Ewelt, and J. Rossler, Cerebrospinal fluid leakage in Gorham-Stout disease due to dura mater involvement after progression of an osteolytic lesion in the thoracic spine. J Neurosurg Spine, 2014. 21(6): p. 956-60.
- Rossler, J., U. Saueressig, G. Kayser, M. von Winterfeld, and G.L. Klement, Personalized Therapy for Generalized Lymphatic Anomaly/Gorham-Stout Disease With a Combination of Sunitinib and Taxol. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 2015. 37(8): p. e481-5.
- Haager, B., G. Kayser, S. Schmid, B. Passlick, and S. Wiesemann, Intrapulmonary Castleman's Disease Pretending to Be a Lung Cancer-Work Up of an Intrapulmonary Tumour. Ann Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 2016. 22(4): p. 258-60.
- Perakakis, N., F. Flohr, G. Kayser, O. Thomusch, L. Parsons, F. Billmann, E. von Dobschuetz, S. Rondot, J. Seufert, and K. Laubner, Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 associated with a new germline Men1 mutation in a family with atypical tumor phenotype. Hormones (Athens), 2016. 15(1): p. 113-7
- Grapatsas, K., G. Kayser, B. Passlick, and S. Wiesemann, Pulmonary coin lesion mimicking lung cancer reveals an unexpected finding: Dirofilaria immitis. J Thorac Dis, 2018. 10(6): p. 3879-3882.
- Kirste, S., G. Kayser, A. Zipfel, A.L. Grosu, and T. Brunner, Unresectable hepatic PEComa: a rare malignancy treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) followed by complete resection. Radiat Oncol, 2018. 13(1): p. 28.
Reviews – Letztautorschaften
- Kayser, K. and G. Kayser, Electronic publishing--a challenge in medical information exchange. Pathologica, 1998. 90(3): p. 321-4.
- Prasse, A. and G. Kayser, [Rare cystic lung diseases: lymphangioleiomyomatosis, pulmonary Langerhans' cell histiocytosis and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 2010. 135(10): p. 461-5
Reviews – Koautorschaften
- Stremmel, C., S. Dango, U. Thiemann, G. Kayser, and B. Passlick, [Thymoma--incidence, classification and therapy]. Dtsch Med Wochenschr, 2007. 132(40): p. 2090-5.
- Ridder, G.J., S. Behringer, G. Kayser, and J. Pfeiffer, [Malignancies arising in sinonasal inverted papillomas]. Laryngorhinootologie, 2008. 87(11): p. 783-90
- Plones, T., G. Kayser, and B. Passlick, Idiopathic pulmonary ossification. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg, 2012. 42(4): p. 754
- Park, S., A.V. Parwani, R.D. Aller, L. Banach, M.J. Becich, S. Borkenfeld, A.B. Carter, B.A. Friedman, M.G. Rojo, A. Georgiou, G. Kayser, K. Kayser, M. Legg, C. Naugler, T. Sawai, H. Weiner, D. Winsten, and L. Pantanowitz, The history of pathology informatics: A global perspective. J Pathol Inform, 2013. 4: p. 7.
- Plones, T., G. Kayser, and B. Passlick, Solitary malignant fibrous tumor of the mediastinum. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann, 2013. 21(4): p. 491-2.
- Prasse, A., G. Kayser, and J. Muller-Quernheim, [Granulomatous lung and systemic diseases]. Internist (Berl), 2013. 54(4): p. 416-25.
- Prasse, A., G. Kayser, and K. Warnatz, Common variable immunodeficiency-associated granulomatous and interstitial lung disease. Curr Opin Pulm Med, 2013. 19(5): p. 503-9.
- Kaifi, J.T., G. Kayser, J. Ruf, and B. Passlick, The Diagnosis and Treatment of Bronchopulmonary Carcinoid. Dtsch Arztebl Int, 2015. 112(27-28): p. 479-85.
- 6. Becker, C., G. Kayser, and J. Pfeiffer, Squamous cell cancer of the nasal cavity: New insights and implications for diagnosis and treatment. Head Neck, 2016. 38 Suppl 1: p. E2112-7.